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พระณัฐนันท์ เพชรสวัสดิ์


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the life and work of PhrakhruWsutthibunyadit (Nual Parisuttho) (2) to analyze the role of community development of PhraKhruWisutthibunyadit (Nual Parisuttho). This research procedure, the researchers used qualitative research methods (Qualitative Research) by studying data from research papers and in-depth interviews (Indepth Interview).


          The results were found:

  1. PhrakhruWisutthibunyadit (Nual Parisuttho) was born on May 13, 1922 in the farming family at Ban Sai Ra, Bang Rup Sub-district, Thong Yai District, Nakhon Sri Thammarat. Ordination on May 24, 1942 at Wat Phukhaolak, Thung Sang Sub-district, Thung Yai District, Nakhon Sri Thammarat. PhraKruThavorn Boonrat (Boonkong) Phutthathakkitto is a preceptor and Luang Por Dang Issaro, the abbot of Wat Phukhaolak, act announcing teacher. After the ordination, he lived at Wat Pradittharam, throughout the life of PhraKru Wisutbunyadit (Nual Parisuttho), he has outstanding monastic work. He has appointed the monk’s title and the administrative position of the Sangha respectively. He was given the title of the first commissioner at PhraKru Wisutbunyadit. And was given the title of the second commissioner at the same name “PhraKruWitsutbunyadit”. In the royal tiara, "PhraKruWisutbunyadit" was appointed as the abbot of Wat Pradittharam (Wat Sai-ra) and was appointed as a preceptor. PhraKruWisutbunyadit (Nual Parisuttho) died on May 11, 2012, total age 90 years old, 70 phansas.

  2. PhraKruWisutbunyadit (Nual Parisuttho) plays a role in community development, classified into 6 roles: (1) the role of the spiritual leader; (2) the role of the mind development; (3) the role of the learner; (4) the role of the moral teacher; (5) the role of the counselor; (6) The role of raise awareness; making community and social harmony. Help to build up faith to the Sangha, and help to build the facilities in various temples. The benefits will also arise for Buddhism.

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How to Cite
เพชรสวัสดิ์ พ. (2018). THE ROLES OF PHRAKHRUWISUTTHIBUNYADIT (NUAL PARISUTTHO) IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(3), 617–635. retrieved from
Research Articles


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