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อภิญวัฒน์ โพธิ์สาน


This article of research aims to study the conceptual problems and problem-solving methods in the pair chapter of Dhammapada Commentary, by using methods of gathering the data from the related documentaries and research works and analyzing and interpreting the data from the Pair Chapter of Dhammapada Commentary and then presenting the data in the form of analytical description. The results of study reveal that the Buddhist opposite pairs have the meanings as a primary principle to create Buddhism, as a thing to spin back along the stream of the world, as a method of the Buddha’s teaching of the Dhamma and as middle-way and avabhajjavada ethics for the purpose of practice. The opposite pairs in the Pair Chapter of Dhammapada Commentary have been divided into many types of concept, and have the fundamental characteristics of concept as an opposite thing in the concept or content, as a thing depending on each other in living, being possible and making the usage of each other, as a thing to spin back in change of the status or condition, and as practical ethics of vibhajjavada and middle way.

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How to Cite
โพธิ์สาน อ. (2018). A CONCEPT OF OPPOSITE PAIRS IN THE PAIRS CHAPTER OF DHAMMAPADA COMMENTARY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(3), 593–616. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/154128
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