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จันทนา อุดม
นงนุช ไพบูลย์รัตนานนท์
ไพโรจน์ บุตรชีวัน
หะริน สัจเดย์
พระปลัดสมชาย ดำเนิน


This study aimed to investigate attribution and cultural dimension of organization, in order to reveal the adaptive capacity towards knowledge-based society. This Quantitative research approach by questionnaire contributed to group of 378 personnel within Rajabhat University; Rattanakosin Group got 312 personnel back. The analysis was presented in descriptive manner.

          As results, it revealed current event and condition or desirable adaptation direction which organization should applied as guideline for development of attribution and culture dimension towards learning. This guideline will provide potential adaptive capacity towards knowledge-based society. As comment on questionnaires, understandable and acceptable of personnel and administrators in organization culture adaptation is challenge, as well as, contributed motivation and changed in management values to increase operating capacity and efficiency of personnel and organization. Administrator should understand objective and adaptation direction, also environment factors for effective management and determination of adaptive strategy for organization.

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How to Cite
อุดม จ., ไพบูลย์รัตนานนท์ น., บุตรชีวัน ไ., สัจเดย์ ห., & ดำเนิน พ. (2019). ATTRIBUTION STUDY AND ORGANIZATION CULTURAL DIMENSION TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOCIETY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 658–677. retrieved from
Research Articles


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