The Study of Electroencephalography from Pattern of Health Food Advertising Sheet on Purchase Decision Behavior
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The purpose of this research was to study consumers' behavioral purchase decisions on brainwaves as measured by changes in decision-making brainwave and satisfaction brainwave by factorial experimental. Data were collected from one hundred and twenty form people in Chonburi province by using purposive sampling method. Research instruments included the experimental task for motivating purchase decisions, the NeuroScan system, and the pattern of designing a healthy food advertising sheet. Data were analyzed by a two-way analysis of variance (ANCOVA). The results showed that the brainwave was significantly difference of .05 between males and health consumers’ behavior at the decision-making brainwave and satisfaction brainwave. The neuroscience data to analyze the buying behavior of health food created from the invisible consumer thinking process. Moreover, this finding can apply in marketing strategy and advertising to make the product suitable. It was able to develop product benefits for customers. Neuromarketing is not only beneficial for companies but also for consumers.
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