Developing the Development Model of Strategic Leadership for Support Community Business Management around Si Thep Historical Park Phetchabun Province
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This research presents the development of strategic leadership developing model to support community business management of Si Thep Historical Park, Phetchabun province. The objectives of this research are 1) to evaluate a potential of strategic leadership that supports community business management of Si Thep Historical Park. 2) to develop model of strategic leadership development that supports community business management of Si Thep Historical Park. Methodology and tool of this research consists of two parts. Firstly, a questionnaire was used to evaluating potential of strategic leadership of community’s leader at 16 communities of Tumbon Si Thep, Amphoe Si Thep, Phetchabun province. Descriptive statistics were used in this research. The collected data was analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation. Secondly, in-depth interview was used to analyze a model of strategic leadership development. Six persons who were interviewed consist of six academics, two community’s leader s, and one official developer. The result was shown that potential of strategic leadership which consists of 1) determining strategic direction 2) gathering multiple Inputs to formulate strategy 3) effectively managing the firm’s resource 4) sustaining an effective organizational culture 5) establishing balanced organizational controls and 6) revolutionary thinking, overall is high level. And the result was shown that a fit model and concern with context of 16 community’s leader of Tumbon Si Thep is participatory action training. In future research, creating a lecturer of each community should be considered. A new lecturer will be a representative of the community who has participating with any beneficial activity from government. A knowledge from training will be transferred to other community leaders for creating sustainable competitive advantage in community.
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