Causal Relationship Model of Customer Loyalty Using Massage Therapy for Relaxation in the Upper Northern Region, Thailand
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The objectives of this research on the causal relationship model of customer loyalty who came to use massage therapy for relaxation in the upper northern region were: 1) to study the opinions on the causes of customer loyalty for relaxation health massage, 2) to develop the causal relationship of customer loyalty to relaxation health massage, and 3) to confirm the coherence of the causal relationship of customer loyalty to the relaxation health massage in the Upper North with a mixed research method. It consisted of quantitative research by using a sample questionnaire. The sample group consisted of 450 people who used Thai massage for health massage in the upper northern provinces of Thailand. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics to find percentage, mean, standard deviation. Inferential statistics analyzed correlational influence by AMOS program and qualitative research which is an in-depth interview with health massage users to relax 15 people in the relaxation health massage establishments in the northern region of 8 provinces in Thailand. The data were analyzed by interpretation to confirm the validity of the results of the analysis and to synthesize the study results.
The results of the research revealed the influence of the perceived quality of service recipients, recognition of the value of the service recipient customer satisfaction, Word-of-mouth talked as a link between customer expectations and customer loyalty. The structural causal relationship model confirmed with empirical data χ2 = 345.420, df = 1.117, χ2 / df = 345, GFI = .066, CFI = .948, RMR= .019, RMSEA = .016. The perceived quality of service recipients had no direct influence or little influence on perceived value of service recipients with a route coefficient of 0.162.
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