Community Participation in Sustainable Tourism Management to Enhance Tourism in Hat Yai Municipality After the Covid-19 Crisis
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The research aims to study the factors affecting community participation in sustainable tourism management to enhance tourism in Hat Yai municipality after the Covid-19 crisis. The distribution of questionnaires was conducted to generate for 400 stratified random sampling participants. Statistical analysis was designed to carry out as quantitative data which is composed of mean, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression. Qualitative data was employed through the use of content analysis.
The results of studying factors affecting community participation in sustainable tourism management to enhance tourism in Hat Yai municipality after the Covid-19 crisis showed the following findings: 1) Positive influence of factors; community-based tourism management; quality’s life of people; community-based tourism potential Negative influence of factor; community culture 3) No influence of factor; public utilities. Suggestions for using research results include government agencies, the private sector, and people in the area. The research results can be use in community planning and development to create community tourism and lead to sustainable tourism.
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