The link of Buddhism in Mekong basin region

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Narong Chaichang


            The Mekong river region of Southeast Asia.Thebirthplace from the melting of snow in the highlands of northern Tibet and Qinghai region of China.Chinese call Mekong River “Chang Jiang River”.Which runs through the mountains and the plateau in China. Through Yunnan into Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, which flows into the South China Sea.Mekong area is divided into two parts. The upper Mekong basin from the headwaters of the Mekong river in China, and the lower Mekong basin from Yunnan province in China, flows through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam before entering the South China Sea. The lower Mekong basin is an area of ​​biodiversity.More than 300 million people in the region. The dependence on natural systems directly on the issue of food security, livelihoods and cultural traditions. King made in the lower Mekong region have faith in Buddhism.

            The lower Mekong basin is located between two great civilization of China to the north and India to the west. The resulting blend cultural links especially Buddhism .When Ashoka the Great had sent to PhraSonaThera and PhraUttaraThera, priest’s ambassador to Buddhism in Suwannaphom. Later on Buddhism in India is extremely pleasing to have traveled to India to study Buddhism and has continued preaching missionaries in the southern Mekong region. Until it became a tradition to make a similar one in the region and religion of the Lower Mekong region to date.

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How to Cite
Chaichang, N. (2020). The link of Buddhism in Mekong basin region. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 3(2), 47–53. retrieved from
Academic Article


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