The article that has been printed in Journal of Graduate Saket review should have an Academic content in the subject area about Buddhist Religion, Philosophy, Educational Administration, community development, Social Development, Political Science, Public Administration, Linguistics, Applied education and other interdisciplinary. The original article that has been printed must never be published in any journal or publication before or not in the process of considering proposals for publication in other Journals. Authors should strictly adhere to the guidelines for presenting academic articles or research articles for publication in the Graduate Study Review journal.

            However, author should not report the misrepresentation. Whether, the author shall not commit any degree of plagiarism in paper (false summary, or distortion or biased selection of data/finding) or Choose to show specific information that corresponds to the conclusion. The views and opinions expressed in the article are the responsibility of the author directly. Journal of Graduate Saket review are not responsible for all such comments. Author should be concern in Ethical standards for research. it is not an academic work that is copied an excerpt from the work of another person. Which  the Journal has a policy of work copying in the level, not over 25%. This will be effective since June 2019 onwards.

                  The journal will charge a fee of 3500 baht (three thousand and five hundred baht only) per 1 article. The journal will bring this fee to work within and will return only if the editorial rejects the publication. If submitted to experts, evaluate the article Journal will not return fees.

  1. As part of Thaijo submission process for

Online Submission can submit articles via the online database of the Journal of Graduate Saket review at When submission already, for more information is needed, please email us at Email:

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  1. Preparation of article (download)

                1) The manuscripts should be approximately 8-15 A4 pages in length, (not including reference papers). Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side paper only. Manuscripts should use TH Sarabun PSK Times with regular margins (one-inch on every side) and single-line spacing between sentences. The presentation of pictures and table must be clear and assign the number under the pictures. It should be strong typing. For example table 1 or Figure 1. Picture should be numbered along with an appropriate description (legend/caption). Each table should be prepared on a separate sheet and should be numbered consecutively as mentioned in the text and each must have a heading. It should be numbered consecutively and be accompanied with appropriate captions. References to them in the main text should be made accordingly.

                2) The title of the article (first page) should have in Thai and English and should along the middle first line of the paper.

                3)  Name of Author(s), including first name(s) with academic degree(s) in Thai and English, email address and right hand margin.

                4) Abstract should have in Thai and English, not more than 350 words per abstract.

                5) Keywords: 3-5 keywords in Thai and English.

6) In a Topic Outline, the Main headings should be aligned along the left-hand margin. The subheads of your outline should be indented as far in as the first word of the preceding line. When start main headings should be spaced 1 line.

7) For using numbers, the abbreviation and technical terms should be an Arabic number. The parenthesized English word should be provided only one time. An abbreviation must come with its full terminology first. For example, Student centred learning).

  1. Research article including the following:

                1) The abstract gives the main objective of the research. Indicate the methodology used. Present the main findings. Present the main conclusions and should describe the work being short and summarized.

2) The introduction is the area of a particular topic. It establishes the scope, context, and significance of the research being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic.

3) Research Methodology: it should provide some background information on the specific problem or issue you are addressing and provide the purpose of the research.

4) Results present an overall description of the experiments and present the data you found. It should present in the style of the statistics or in the table picture.

                5) Discussion:  it presents in the essay style. Present principles, relationships, and generalizations shown by the results. Show how your results agree or disagree with previously published works. State your conclusions clearly. Summarize your evidence for each conclusion.

  1. An original research paper (if any) that produces new knowledge what is already known in a new form. The researchers detail their research methods. The results of the research are reported. The researchers interpret their results and discuss possible implications in the style of explanation/ model structure by the easy understanding.

                7) Recommendation: The conclusion section of a research paper focuses on discussing the essential features and the significant outcomes of your research. Presenting the next recommendation of the research.

                8) References must be the Citations document based on the sources you used only.

  1. Academic Article and Book Review, to be arranged as follows

                1) Abstract

                2) Introduction

                3) Content shows  (presenting the major contents)

                4) Conclusion

                5) Reference

  1. Reference system and reference examples for journal articles

The citing of sources used in essays must accurate of details in citations and the source clearly references. It can be journals, books, or online information. The author has to responsible for the cited document. The author has confirmed that all the sources that they are citing in their research paper are correctly checked. In addition, Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use copyrighted materials from copyright owners. In order to avoid delay in publishing. A reference and all sources should be clearly listed in the references section if discovers a significant error and incorrect, the journal editor will not send it to the reviewer. Until the article is edited.

            5.1 An in-text citation

            In-text citation and references, This Part describes American Psychological Association (APA). An author-date citation in running text or at the end of a block quotation consists of the author’s last (family) name, followed by the year of publication of the work in question, and a page number if needed. Every citation in the article has to appear in the reference. The author has to responsible for journal articles. Referencing style Guide including the following:

  1. Citing from Thai document

                1) Tipitaka, commentaries refer to number of the colon (:) and page number of document. Example Thai Tipitaka/20/12/50), Tipitaka with the translation commentary/18/100)

  1. One author refers to indicate the author’s name and follows with the comma and following the page numbers of statement to show the source. Example: Thai author, writing in Thai (สังเวียน สาผาง, 2554: 63)

                3 Cite the names of both authors for every reference by inserting the comma ​in front of the name of the second author and following with year of publication then following with the colon (:) and page number of document. for example สังเวียน สาผางและไพรฑูรย์ สวนมะไฟ, 2553: 63)  If any document presented more than 1 list give to use the
semicolon (;) between the reference list พระพรหมบัณฑิต ประยูรธมฺมจิตโต, 2550; ป.อ. ปยุตโต, 2560: 54)

  1. If cite the name more than two author refers by insert the name of the first author, followed by “et al.” then colon and page number of document. For example: (พระพรหมคุณาภรณ์, สังเวียน สาผางและคณะ, 2558: 87)
  2. Citation by Listing of Consonants in Alphabetical Order
  3. Citing from English document

                1) If only one author consists of the author’s last (family) name, followed by comma and then the year of publication of the work and a page number.  For example (Rawls, 1999: 23).

                2) If more authors consists of the author’s last (family) followed by comma and then the year of publication of the work and a page number. For example (Barry & Larope, 2010) and use the semicolon (;) between the document if one more document example (Rawls, 1999 ; Barry & Larope, 2010: 25)

                3) If cite the name more than two author refers by insert the surname of the first author, followed by “et al.”, the year of publication of the work and a page number.  (Rawls et al., 2008: 63)

                4) Citation by Listing of author’s name.

  1. General guidelines of publisher/press

            In case of publisher or company: insert the name of the publisher for exampler:

                1)  Namebooks Company Limited use Namebooks (บริษัท นานมีบุ๊คส์ จำกัด ใช้ นานมีบุ๊คส์)

                2) Tianwan publisher use Tianwan (สำนักพิมพ์เทียนวรรณ ใช้ เทียนวรรณ)

                3) In case of press have to use full style. (MahachulalongKornrajavidyalaya Press/ โรงพิมพ์มหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย)

                5.2 Format of references

                (1) Tipitaka, commentaries


                Author./(Year of publication)./Title’s name of Tipitaka, commentaries. Place of publication:/ publisher.


Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. (1996). The Pali Canon Thai Language (Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Edition). Bangkok : Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Printer.

                (2) Books


Author./(Year of publication)./Title of book. Place of publication:/ publisher or press. (./ space one tap)


T.W. Rhys Davids. (1884). Abhidhammatthasangaha. London: PTS.

                (3)  Article or Chapter in an Edited Book


Author./ (Year). Article./In Editor First Initial. Second Initial. Surname (Ed.), Book title:

            Subtitle./ (pp. page range of article or chapter)./ Place of publication:/ Publisher or press.


Lawrence, J. A., &  Dodds, A. E. (2003). Goal-directed activities and life-span development. In J. Valsiner & K. Connolly (Eds.), Handbook of developmental psychology (pp. 517-533). Sage Publications.

              (4) Article in a Journal


Author. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of journal, volume (issue), first and last Page numbering of publishing.


Abrams, P. (1980). History, sociology, historical sociology. Past and Present. (87), 3-16.

                (5) Article in Encyclopedia


Author. (Year of publication). Title of article. In Editor’s name (Editor). Title of encyclopedia. volume (page number). Place of publication: publisher


Landesman, C.(1967). Consciousness. In The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (Vol. 2, pp.191-195).

                (6) Newspaper


Author. (Year of publication, date). Title of article. Title of newspaper, page number.


Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, p.A1.

                (7) Thesis/ Independent Study/ Research reports


Author. (Year of publication). Title of thesis. ……(degree)……thesis in……(subject)…….…. faculty…….: name of institute/university.


Boonmathya, R. (1997). Contested concepts of development in rural northeastern Thailand. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Anthropology: University of Washington, U.S.A.

                (8) Interview


Contributor name./ (year)./ Function. Agency or address. Interview./ (Interview date).


Skonchai, S. President. Khon Kaen University. Interview. August 22.

            (9) Referencing from an Internet


Author. (volume, date). Title. Title of Article. Retrieval date , from URL


Doyle, M.W. (22 June 2004). Liberal Internationalism:Peace, War and Democracy. Retrieved September 2, 2013, from themes/peace/doyle/ index.html

Example of references


BaPAT, P.V. (1956). 2500 Years of Buddhism. New Delhi: Govt. of india.

Bhattacharya, K. (1961). The Concept of Self in Buddhism. The Philosophical Quartery (India), 34(2), 18-29.

Doyle, M.W. (22 June 2004). Liberal Internationalism:Peace, War and Democracy. RetrievedSeptember2, 2013, from themes/peace/doyle/ index.html.

Jayatileke, K.N.. (1969). The Buddhist Theory of Causality. Vol.77 and 2. The Maha Bodhi, D.C.

Narada Mahathera. (1975). A Manual of Abhidhamma. Kanky: BPS.

  1. At the submission format in Journal of Graduate Saket review

            In submitting the manuscript to reviewing, Articles should be saved in both .doc or *.docx of Microsoft Word Version 2010 or more over and PDF formats (*.PDF). All manuscripts submitted for publication must go through the review process. All manuscripts are initially treated by the Editor-in-Chief to assess their compliance with the requirements of the journal and the subject. Incomplete packages or manuscripts not prepared in the advised style will be sent back to author(s) with suggestions for correction. Reviewers will evaluate the originality and thoroughness of your work. The editor will report evaluating your paper. The various and suitable articles have been the determining factor for publishing.

  1. Editorial Right

In the case of editorial team or peer reviewer who were invited to consider adjust and recommends on your article, editorial team will send article manuscript to author(s). The author(s) must be strictly adjusted follow peer reviewer and/or all right reserved for publishing in case of academic article or research article do not have content in journal objectives. When article publishing, the authors will receive link that enter to website and confirm letter to publishing in Journal of journal of Graduate Sake review.