The Guideline of Academic Leadership for Administrators in 21st Century under Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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Sakorn ahahing


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the academic leadership for administrators in 21st century under Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area Office, 2) to compare the academic leadership for administrators in 21st century under Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area Office, and 3) to study the guidelines on development of academic leadership for administrators in 21st century under Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The sample were 346 persons from administrators and teachers by stratified random sampling. The instruments using for research were questionnaires with the reliability of 0.96 and interview. The statistics using for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, f-test, and One - Way ANOVA, and content analysis.

The results showed that: 1) for overall on academic leadership of administrators in 21st century was in high level. 2) for overall and each aspect of the results on comparison of academic leadership for administrators in 21st century by dividing on educational levels were not on difference. Considering on each aspect, there was found that the educational supervision was on statistical significance at .05 level. 3) for overall on the results of comparison for academic leadership of administrators in 21st century by dividing on government service and school sizes were not on difference. 4) the results on study of the guidelines on development of academic leadership for administrators in 21st century under Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area Office by lining from high to low included the aspects as modern vision, development of personnel potentiality, curriculum administration and learning performance, creation of network working participation, development of learning organization, and educational supervision.


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How to Cite
ahahing , . S. . (2024). The Guideline of Academic Leadership for Administrators in 21st Century under Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 346–361. retrieved from


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