The Use of Complex Sentences in EFL Learners’ Writing Work

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Jatupong Mora


This research study aimed to 1) identify the number and types of sentences used in the learners’ writing work, 2) survey a quantity and accuracy in the use of complex sentences, 3) survey a quantity of errors and types of clauses used in incorrect sentences, and 4) identify types of errors in the learners’ writing work. The researcher collected the data from 60 writing works of the Final Written Test in 0115341 Essay Writing by using Complex Sentence Writing Errors’ Recording and Analyzing Form. The statistics used to analyze data were frequency and percentage.

The results of the research revealed that 1) this group of learners had produced the total of 1,368 sentences, which could be divided into 602 (44.00%) complex, 455 (33.26%) simple 183 (13.38%) compound-complex and 128 (9.36%) compound ones 2) in the total of 602 complex sentences, the learners could produce 186 (30.89%) correct sentences 3) in the number of 416 sentences (69.11%), which the learners could not use them correctly there were 1,111 errors which could be 576 (51.84%) errors in subordinate clause usage. These errors could be further divided into 180 noun clauses (16.20%), 215 adverb clauses (19.35%), and 181 adjective clauses (16.29%) and 4) when considering the types of errors in sentence writing, the learners made different numbers in each type of errors. The first is misformation errors with the total number of 595 errors (53.56%). The second is omission errors, with the total number of 326 errors (29.34%). The third is addition errors, with the total number of 155 errors (13.95%), and the fourth is misordering errors, with the total number of 35 errors (3.15%).ส่วนบนของฟอร์ม

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How to Cite
Mora, J. (2024). The Use of Complex Sentences in EFL Learners’ Writing Work. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 279–294. retrieved from


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