The Components of Leader-Member Exchange Model as Perceived by Employees in a Hospital Affiliated with The Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation

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Paradee Piriyapongrat
Anuthida Prasertsak


This research aims to study the level of 1) opinions of staff on the components of the leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship model in hospitals under the Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation. 2) Study the components of the LMX relationship model in hospitals under the Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation. The sample used in the research consisted of 209 personnel from hospitals under the Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation with 200 beds or more. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a total of 28 items. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the entire questionnaire was 0.90. The statistics used for data analysis were Percentages, Means, Standard Deviations, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

The results of the research found that, 1) the level of staff’s opinions on the components of the LMX relationship model in hospitals under the Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation, were Contribution  = 4.11  Affect  = 4.08 Professional Respect  = 3.97 Loyalty  = 3.79. 2) The components of the LMX relationship model in hospitals under the Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation will consist of 3 components: 1) Trust Dedicated 2) Supportiveness 3) Attachment. The level of congruence of the hypothesized structural model with the empirical data is: χ2/df (CMIN/DF) =.430, RMR=.007, RMSEA=.307, GFI=.999, AGFI=.958, TLI=.992 and CFI=1.000. The findings demonstrate that the confirmatory factor analysis supports the congruence of the leader-member exchange (LMX) model with perceptual data. Therefore, the management of hospitals under the Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation should prioritize the development of human resource management and reinforce leadership qualities to cultivate trust dedicated, supportiveness, and attachment between leaders and members. These qualities are integral to the identity of organizations under the Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation.

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How to Cite
Piriyapongrat, P. ., & Prasertsak, A. . (2024). The Components of Leader-Member Exchange Model as Perceived by Employees in a Hospital Affiliated with The Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 159–179. retrieved from


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