The Development of Grade 3 Student’s English Listening Skills Using Total Physical Response Technique with Community Language Learning Method

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Thanatthep Suwannakhot
Rewanee Chaichaowarat



The purposes of this research were to 1) compare the development of Grade 3 student’s English listening skills before and after using Total Physical Response technique with Community Language Learning method and 2) study the satisfaction of Grade 3 students’s after English class using Total Physical Response Technique with Community Language Learning Method. The sample group used in this reserch were 35 students of grade 3 from 2 schools in Nonghan group 4, Nonghan district, Udonthani province, obtained by using Cluster Rabdom Sampling. Tools used in this research were included: 1) English listening skills test of grade 3 which composed of 20 questions, devided into 2 parts; the multiple-choice test and the subjective test. 2) The satisfaction questionnaire towards learning English and 3) Lesson plans. The statistics to analyzed data according to objectives were Mean, Standard deviation and Dependent t-test.

The research results found that: 1) Before using Total Physical Response technique with Community Language Learning method, the students had an average score of 10.54 points and 15.68 points after using the techniques with statistical significance of .01, 2) The students’ view on satisfaction was totally at the high level.

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How to Cite
Suwannakhot, T., & Chaichaowarat, R. . (2024). The Development of Grade 3 Student’s English Listening Skills Using Total Physical Response Technique with Community Language Learning Method. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 457–471. retrieved from


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