Willingness to Pay for Import Service of Express Air Cargo

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Kotchanun Wetbunpot
Sompong Sirisoponsilp



The objective of this research was to determine the willingness to pay for import service of express air cargo. By selecting Choice Modeling Method or Conjoint Analysis: CA including Choice Experiment to design a questionnaire. In situation when import goods and weight of goods is 1 kilogram from China to Thailand and pricing of service is 1,700 THB by purposive sampling to survey a group of 100 Air cargo importers. Then, use the Conditional Logit Model to analyze the data.

The results of the research revealed that the customers are willingness to pay the additional service fees when importing goods from China with a weight of 1 kilogram from the basic services. 214 bath per kilogram and accept transit times from 5-7 days to 1-3 days, 167 bath per kilogram for definite delivered time, 162 bath per kilogram for personal assistant and 80 bath per kilogram for everyday service.

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How to Cite
Wetbunpot, K., & Sirisoponsilp, S. (2024). Willingness to Pay for Import Service of Express Air Cargo. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 427–439. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/281253


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