The Decision-Making Process of the Election Voting of Bangkok’s Governor on May 22, 2022

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Yaowaluk Chaobanpho
Wittaya Chinnabutr



The Objective of this research were to study 1) compare the decision process of the people in voting for Bangkok’s Governor on May 22, 2022, and 2) study political factors that affect the decision process of the people in the election of Bangkok’s Governor on May 22, 2022. This quantitative research was conducted on populations were 18 years or older of Bangkok. of 384 subjects, using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The statistics used in data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and multiple linear regression.

The results of the research revealed that 1) people with education levels and different average monthly incomes had a decision-making process in voting for Bangkok’s Governor was differently, while people with different genders, ages, and occupations had different decision-making processes in the election of Bangkok’s Governor no difference, and 2) political factors, including campaigning Benefits or returns Applicant's policy personal relationship and political parties affecting the decision-making process of the people in voting for the election of Bangkok’s Governor with statistical significance at the .01 level, and able to predict the decision-making process of the people in voting in the election of Bangkok’s Governor, 27.2 percent.

Forecasting Equation of People's Decision-Making Process in Bangkok Governor Election In the form of standard scores is as follows:

Z =     ß1ZX1 +  ß 4ZX4 + ß 5ZX5 + ß 6ZX6 + ß 7ZX7

    =   0.135 ZX1 + 0.199 ZX4 + 0.206 ZX5 + 0.158 ZX6 + 0.270 ZX7

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How to Cite
Chaobanpho, Y., & Chinnabutr, W. (2024). The Decision-Making Process of the Election Voting of Bangkok’s Governor on May 22, 2022. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 410–426. retrieved from


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