Following the 7 Green Habits Guidelines of Consumers in Nontaburi Province.

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Karanpat Imprasert



The Objective of this research was to study 1) demographic characteristics, 2) compliance with the 7 green habits guidelines, and 3) compare demographic characteristics with compliance with the 7 green habits guidelines of consumers in Nontaburi Province. This research is quantitative research. The population is consumers in Nonthaburi Province. The sample size was determined according to Yamane's principles, resulting in a sample size of 400 people. The tool used to collect the data was questionnaires. Statistics used in data analysis used frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation t-test, One-way ANOVA and tested in pairs using Scheffé’s method.

The results of the research revealed that 1) the sample group were female, aged 21-30 year, with a bachelor’degree level of education, occupation: private company employee, averlage monthly income 10,001-20,000 baht and single marital status 2) following the 7 green habits of consemers guidelines rethink and reuse at the highest level reduce, recycle, reject, repair, and return at the high level 3) compare demographic characteristics with following the 7 green habits guidelines of consumers in Nontaburi province, classified by gender, age, education level, occupation, average monthly income, and marital status, there is a difference significant at the level .05

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How to Cite
Imprasert, K. . (2024). Following the 7 Green Habits Guidelines of Consumers in Nontaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 311–326. retrieved from


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