The Guidelines for the Community Waste Management to Prevent Marine Debris by People Participation and Local Government Case Study of Canal Community in Ladluang Municipality and Songkanong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Phra Pradaeng District Sa

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Korakod Wongsomran
Unruan Leknoi



The Objective of this research were to study 1) people's participation in community waste management and 2) the approach for community waste management to prevent marine pollution with the participation of the Ladluang Municipality and the Songkanong Subdistrict Administrative Organization. The research was qualitative and selected a purposive sampling group of five community waste project leaders, one community leader, and four policy personnel and operational levels using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion. This research was analyzed using content analysis.

The results of the research revealed that 1) There is still a lack of people's participation in sanitary waste management in both areas. 2) Waste management guidelines to prevent marine debris by involving citizens and local government organizations in both areas are follow the same guidelines: focus on public participation in awareness of and comprehension of the waste management issues, encourage collaboration with public sector local government organizations and network partners in order to drive policies or projects involving community waste management in the short and long term by providing incentives for people to participate in public relations through community leaders and volunteers.

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How to Cite
Wongsomran, K., & Leknoi, U. (2024). The Guidelines for the Community Waste Management to Prevent Marine Debris by People Participation and Local Government Case Study of Canal Community in Ladluang Municipality and Songkanong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Phra Pradaeng District Sa. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 257–274. Retrieved from


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