The Guidelines for the Development of Digital and Information Technology Management of The Office of the Education Council

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Fuangrit Srinual
Somboon Sirisunhirun
Phut Ploywan
Srisombat Chokprajakchat



The Objective of this research were 1) to comparatively study the gap between expectation and reality according to the Office of the Education Council’s development plan in B.E. 2565 and 2) to craft the guidelines for the development of digital and information technology management of the Office of the Education Council. In conducting this research, quantitative and qualitative methods have been used. The number of participants in the quantitative study was 143 persons, and the interviewees were three persons from the group of executive officers. Research tools are the questionnaire with IOC value between 0.67 - 1.00 and interview question forms. The statistical methods used in the analysis were Mean, PNI (Priority Needs Index) and PNI Modified value.

The results of the research revealed that 1) the most significant gap between the expectation and the reality of the development plan is the database development for planning an effective education policy (PNI Modified = 0.38) and 2) the guidelines for the development of digital and information technology management of the Office of the Education Council are human resource development with the focused area on digital literacy, the improvement of the procurement process and the acceptance of E-Documents and E-Signature.

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How to Cite
Srinual, F., Sirisunhirun, S., Ploywan, P., & Chokprajakchat, S. (2024). The Guidelines for the Development of Digital and Information Technology Management of The Office of the Education Council . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 237–256. Retrieved from


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