Guideline to Development of Information Technology Systems for Academic Affairs Management of Chak Kham Khanathon School in Lamphun Province

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Wittaya Wannamakok
Sangwan Wangcham
Surasak Suttasiri



The Objective of this research were to 1. study the development of information technology systems for academic affairs management and 2. study the guidelines for the development of information technology systems for academic affairs management of Chak Kham Khanathon School in Lamphun Province. The research population was 155 administrators and teachers. The research tools were questionnaires and interviews. The data were analyzed by statistical method of arithmetic averages, standard deviations, and content analysis.

The results of the research revealed that 1. the development of information technology systems for academic affairs management of Chak Kham Khanathon School in Lamphun Province in overall was at a high level, consisting of learning support, information technology system, information technology services and personnel development. All aspects were at a very practical level. 2. The guidelines for the development of information technology systems were as follows; the school should assign an ICT officer or computer company to monitor the performance of the computer to fit the workload continuously. Budgeting, purchasing, and maintaining computer repairs should be included in the project plan for the fiscal year. A policy should be establish for teachers to create instructional materials and report the use of media in the media registration system currently. The teachers should be encouraged to produce at least one teaching material for one course. There should be the development of training and seminar report system for teachers and educational personnel to be continuous and up-to-date by providing the same format for training and seminar reports. The school should assign the responsible person to supervise, monitor and evaluate the use of innovative media and information technology continuously. The teachers should be encouraged to create innovative media and information technology. An innovative media and information technology contest should be promoted in order to honor, compliment and give prizes to the teachers who participated in the contest.

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How to Cite
Wannamakok, W., Wangcham, S., & Suttasiri, S. (2024). Guideline to Development of Information Technology Systems for Academic Affairs Management of Chak Kham Khanathon School in Lamphun Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 52–68. retrieved from


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