The Relationship among Work-Life Balance, Workplace Spirituality and Employee Performance

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Nattawat Aiamsamarng
Jutamard Thaweepaiboonwong



The Objective of this research were to; 1) study the level of work-life balance, workplace spirituality, and employee performance and 2) analyze the effects of work-life balance and workplace spirituality on employee performance. The sample consisted of 264 employees from a supplement manufacturer in Chon Buri. A questionnaire was used to collect data through proportionate stratified sampling. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and the structural equation models.

The results of the research revealed that; 1) The level of work-life balance, workplace spirituality and employee performance is at a high level. Mean and standard deviation were, =4.05, SD=0.59; =4.15 , SD=0.58 and =4.17, SD=0.55. 2) The path analysis results show that work-life balance and workplace spirituality have a significant, direct positive impact on employee performance. The variance of the work-life balance and workplace spirituality variables explains 63% of the variance of employee performance.

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How to Cite
Aiamsamarng, N., & Thaweepaiboonwong, J. (2024). The Relationship among Work-Life Balance, Workplace Spirituality and Employee Performance. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 85–99. retrieved from


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