The Opinions of Thai Tourists towards the Marketing Mix for Spiritual Tourism Following the Footsteps of Thao Wessuwan in Bangkok

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Anuchat Toprakhon
Anusara Muekthaisong
Niparat Aocharoenying
Jessada Kwamkhunkoei


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the opinions of Thai tourists regarding the marketing mix for spiritual tourism following the footsteps of Thao Wessuwan in Bangkok and 2) compare Thai tourists' opinions on the marketing mix for spiritual tourism following the footsteps of Thao Wessuwan in Bangkok according to personal factors. The sample group consisted of 400 Thai tourists who came to pay homage to Thao Wessuwan in Bangkok. The instrument used was a questionnaire with 1.00 IOC and reliability was 0.96. Data analysis used means, percentages, and standard deviations, t-test and One-way ANOVA.

The research results found that 1) Thai tourists' opinions on the marketing mix for spiritual tourism following the footsteps of Thao Wessuwan in Bangkok as a whole is at a high level (mean=4.29, SD=0.38). The most extreme aspect is the physical environment at the highest level (mean=4.39, SD=0.41). 2) Thai tourists with different age, marriage status, occupation and income have different opinions towards the tourism marketing mix on spiritual practices following the footsteps of Thao Wessuwan in Bangkok are different at statistically significance at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Toprakhon, A., Muekthaisong, . A., Aocharoenying, N., & Kwamkhunkoei, J. (2024). The Opinions of Thai Tourists towards the Marketing Mix for Spiritual Tourism Following the Footsteps of Thao Wessuwan in Bangkok . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 432–448. retrieved from


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