A Development of the Learning Management Model on Computational Science Based on an Integrative New Normal Guidance in order to Promote Students’ Competency in the Learning Area for Grade 7 Students

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Chaiyut Thanomwong


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study needs and basic information for developing study skills 2) develop model learning management 3) trial 4) evaluate and extract lessons from the computational science learning model using the New Normal approach, integrated to enhance grade 7 students’ competency. A sample group were 25 grade 7 students (Room grade 7/1) of municipal 5 School (Kradardthaianukroh), semester 2, academic year 2021, obtained by stratified random sampling using simple cluster sampling. The research tools were a questionnaire, a test with a reliability of 0.94, and an evaluation form. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation values, t-test, and content analysis.

The results showed that 1) The study of needs and basic information was found that all parties must be involved in the development of teaching models that enhance student competencies. Realizing the importance of a teaching model based on principles and systematic process steps can be applied to solve various problems in daily life with the New Normal learning management approach that helps develop higher academic achievement by using teaching media that meet the needs of students. 2) Computational science learning management format with the integrated New Normal approach to enhance student competency using the "EKKE Model" format, consisted of (1) creating interest (2) creating knowledge (3) solving problems (4) expanding knowledge. 3) Experimenting with the model was found; that there were efficiency evaluation results of 82.51/83.47; comparison of learning achievement before and after learning was statistically significant difference at the .01 level; the assessment of important student competencies was at a good level. 4) Evaluation and lesson extract found that: student satisfaction at a high level; lesson extract was found that learning management was a teaching method that aimed to promote problem-solving skills, helps encourage students to use their creativity it made students study with higher academic achievement.

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How to Cite
Thanomwong, C. (2024). A Development of the Learning Management Model on Computational Science Based on an Integrative New Normal Guidance in order to Promote Students’ Competency in the Learning Area for Grade 7 Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 414–431. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/277502


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