Administration of Student Support Systems in the New Normal Era in Educational Opportunity Expansion School of Mae Na Chon Educational Quality Development Network Group under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6

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Warawat Tongjun
Sangwan Wangcham
Surasak Suttasiri


This research aimed to study the administration of student support systems in the New Normal Era and to propose guidelines for the administration of student support systems in the New Normal Era in educational opportunity expansion school of Mae Na Chon Educational Quality Development Network Group under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6. The population was 57 administrators, teachers and educational personnel. The tools used were 1. a questionnaire 2. focus group discussion form. The data were analyzed by the statistical methods of arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The results revealed that 1) the administration of student support systems in the New Normal Era in educational opportunity expansion school of Mae Na Chon Educational Quality Development Network Group under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6, in overall, was at a high level. 2) Guidelines for the administration of student support systems were as follows; the school should arrange a planning meeting according to the action plan of the school. Homeroom teachers should prepare up-to-date cumulative records. Teachers should visit the student's home according to the On-site and On-Line visit schedule. Personnel should study the usage of emotional intelligence assessment (EQ) tools through the website of the Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health. Teachers should insert a variety of activities through the line Group or Facebook Group, organize activities to promote knowledge about learning in the New Normal both in sports, arts and careers, and use technology to coordinate the rapid and effective transfer of students to the network partners.

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How to Cite
Tongjun , W., Wangcham , S., & Suttasiri, S. (2024). Administration of Student Support Systems in the New Normal Era in Educational Opportunity Expansion School of Mae Na Chon Educational Quality Development Network Group under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 398–413. retrieved from


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