Diagnosis of Misconceptions in Mathematics on Fractions for Grade 5 Students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Education Level)

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Thanyarat Namjaidee
ืWoranuch Yamsang
ืNopporn Yamsang


This research aims to diagnose misconceptions in mathematics on fractions for grade five students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (RUDS) (Elementary Education Level). A sample consisted of 31 grade five students at RUDS (elementary education level) in the first semester of the academic year 2022 in one classroom using the technique of cluster sampling. The research instrument was parallel four-multiple-choice diagnostic tests of misconceptions in mathematics on fractions of 44 items with the reliability of .931. The congruence of the response distribution of the test was determined from the responses by using the technique of chi-square ( ) once. The researcher has eliminated one pair of exams, item fifteen and parallel item 38 (Sig < 0.05) Therefore, there were 22 pairs of valid exams left (44 items). The students’ responses of misconceptions were analyzed using the percentage of students’ responses in each choice. The items students gave wrong responses greater than 30 percent were discussed for errors.

The findings are as follows. 1) The use of mathematical symbols was measured by two pairs of tests (four items). It was found that students gave wrong responses greater than 30 percent in one pair of the tests (two items). 2) The use of theorems, formula, regulations, definitions, and property was measured by seven pairs of tests (14 items). It was found that students gave wrong responses greater than 30 percent in three pairs of tests (six items). 3) The calculation and operations were measured by 10 pairs of tests (20 items). It was found that students gave wrong responses greater than 30 percent in four pairs (eight items). 4) The interpretation of the problem was measured by three pairs of tests (six items). There were no items that students gave wrong responses greater than 30 percent.

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How to Cite
Namjaidee, T., Yamsang ื., & Yamsang ื. (2024). Diagnosis of Misconceptions in Mathematics on Fractions for Grade 5 Students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Education Level). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 382–397. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/277499


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