The Development of Mathematics Learning Activities Using Constructivist Theory on Parallel Lines for Matthayom Sueksa Two Students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Secondary Level)

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Panprachan Chanprom
Nopporn Yamsang
Woranuch Yamsang


This research aimed to 1) develop learning activities using the constructivist theory on parallel lines for grade 8 students to be effective according to the 80/80 criterion; 2) compare academic achievements before and after organizing learning activities using the theory of self-knowledge creation on parallel lines for grade 8 students; and 3) study student satisfaction towards organizing learning activities using the constructivist theory. A sample were 58 students of Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Secondary level) including 28 grade 8 students, Room 2/5, and 28 of Room 2/8 selected by cluster sampling. The research instruments included: 1) 10 lesson plans of mathematics learning activity plan using the constructivist theory on parallel lines; 2) 30 items of a multiple-choice academic achievement test on parallel lines; and 3) a satisfaction test on students' satisfaction towards mathematics through organizing learning activities using the constructivist theory on parallel lines. The data collected were analyzed using the techniques of mean, standard deviation and dependent samples t-test.

The results showed that 1) an organizing learning activities using the constructivist theory on parallel lines for grade 8 students had an efficiency of 84.73/89.58, which was not lower than the criterion of 80/80; 2) the learning achievement result on parallel lines of grade 8 students after organizing learning activities using the constructivist theory was higher than before with statistical significance at the .05 level; and 3) student satisfaction towards organizing learning activities using the constructivist theory scores for each item were from 4.07 to 4.86, with an overall average of 4.42, which was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Chanprom, P., Yamsang, N., & Yamsang , W. (2024). The Development of Mathematics Learning Activities Using Constructivist Theory on Parallel Lines for Matthayom Sueksa Two Students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Secondary Level) . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 352–367. retrieved from


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