Leadership Affecting Organizational Engagement of Generation Y Employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province

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Saowalak Kongthong
Pusit Wonglek
Patima Rungruang
Worramet Wonglek


This research aimed to 1) study the level organizational engagement of Generation Y employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province, 2) study the level of leadership that impacts organizational engagement of Generation Y employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province, 3) study the relationship between the leadership and the organizational engagement of Generation Y employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province, and 4) study the leadership that affects organizational engagement of Generation Y employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province. The sample group consisted of 387 Generation Y employees working in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province, using an convenience sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire which valued the index of item-objective congruence (IOC) from 0.60-1.00 and the overall reliability valued of 0.97. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The results found that 1) overall, there was a high level of organizational engagement among Generation Y employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province. 2) Overall, there were at a moderate level of leadership that impacted the organizational engagement of Generation Y employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate Samut Prakan Province. 3) Overall, the leadership was positively correlated with the organizational engagement of Generation Y employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province at the statistical significance level of .01. 4) Transformational leadership (X1) and participative leadership (X6) were the style of leadership that affected the organizational engagement of Generation Y employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate Samut Prakan Province and were able to predict their engagement level of 40.70%.

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How to Cite
Kongthong , S., Wonglek, P., Rungruang, P., & Wonglek , W. (2024). Leadership Affecting Organizational Engagement of Generation Y Employees in Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Samut Prakan Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 192–207. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/277484


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