A Study of Modern Thai Architecture of Thai Boutique Hotel Based on Creative Economy: A Case Study of Chann Bangkok-Noi Hotel

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Phuttachart Rattanawong


This research aimed to study the meaning, and identities of modern Thai architecture based on a creative economy and to study the phenoninoly and connectivity between modern Thai architecture and the creative economy. This qualitative research used in-depth interviews with 10 people, including hotel executives, designers, service users, and people in the surrounding community, and non-participant observation. The Chan Bangkok Noi, a Thai boutique hotel, was chosen as a case study.

The results showed that giving meaning to modern Thai architecture under the concept of creative economy is a work of Thai architecture that continues the uniqueness of Thailand. It has been modified to suit the era and put creativity in the design process, which is the creation of modern Thai architecture. It can be designed in symbolic ways or by bringing Thai art forms and Thai culture to adapt. Modern Thai architectural style must be unique. They are different and outstanding, reflecting the concepts, stories, and origins of Thai architecture, which results in creative results that are new and different. The style of modern Thai architecture still maintains the basic characteristics of 5 characteristics of Thai architecture, including abstract characteristics, concrete characteristics, beauty characteristics, symbolic appearance, and Thai characteristics of, the Thainess/Thai way of life. The connection between modern Thai architecture and the concept of the creative economy is linked according to 6 elements: creative knowledge, eco-cultural studies, creative work, use of intellectual property, cultural foundation, and social innovation. The results of this research will create knowledge that is beneficial to the creation of modern Thai architecture in the future.

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How to Cite
Rattanawong, P. (2024). A Study of Modern Thai Architecture of Thai Boutique Hotel Based on Creative Economy: A Case Study of Chann Bangkok-Noi Hotel. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 143–161. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/277480


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