Strengthening Awareness of the Environment with Instructional Model Based on the Concept of Social Service Learning Combined with Problem- Based Learning for Grade 12 Students in an Environmental Impact Area Prone to Environmental Disaster Water, Air and

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Suriya Buddee
Rungtiwa Kongson


The purposes of this research were: 1) to compare the environmental awareness of students before and after studying, and 2) to study the environmental awareness of students during studying using an instructional model based on the concept of learning by serving society together with use the problem as a basis for students in environmentally at risk areas. A sample were a class of 26 grade 12 students in the Science-Mathematics study program, Wiangkaen Wittayakhom School, Chiang Rai Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Semester 1, academic year 2022, by cluster random sampling. The tools used in the research were 1) an instructional model based on the concept of learning by serving society combined with using problems as a basis to enhance environmental awareness for students in environmentally at risk areas, 2) environmental awareness evaluation form on environmental issues that are taught to students include the problem of chemical residues in water, problems with smog from burning weeds, and the problem of soil slides. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, percentage, and t-test dependent.

The results showed that students had higher awareness of the environment after studying than before at a statistical significance of .01, and students' awareness of the environment during studying with an instructional model based on the concept of learning by serving society together with using the problem as a basis. The overall picture was at the highest level. The average was 4.54, equivalent to 90.80 percent. As for the attributes, it was found that attributes of serious practice in solving environmental problems characterized by a clear understanding and appreciation of the environment, and attributes of love and jealousy towards the environment were at the highest level as sorted in descending order at 94.00, 93.40, and 90.40 percent, respectively. As for the attribute of worry and concern about what happened to the environment was at a high level at 85.20 percent.

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Buddee, S., & Kongson, R. (2024). Strengthening Awareness of the Environment with Instructional Model Based on the Concept of Social Service Learning Combined with Problem- Based Learning for Grade 12 Students in an Environmental Impact Area Prone to Environmental Disaster Water, Air and . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 48–66. retrieved from


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