The Future Scenario of Successful Internal Audit of The Royal Thai Police in The Next Decade (A.D. 2023-2032)

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Chayoot Pansiri
Pitachaya Kaneko


The objectives of this research were to study the factors affecting the success of internal audit and to present a future picture of the success of internal audit of the Royal Thai Police in the next 10 years (2023-2032). This work was qualitative research using EDFR technique by synthesizing data from documents and in-depth interviews with 21 experienced experts in internal audit for both the public and the private sector. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The consistency was considered to find consensus from experts by absolute difference between median, mode and inter quartile range.

The research result showed that the future success of internal audit work of the Royal Thai Police in the next 10 years (2023-2032), consisted of 3 main factors, 14 supporting. The main factors are as follows: 1) Regarding strategic factors within the organization, there are a total of 6 supporting factors, including personnel; audit operations; information systems; organizational structure; policies; goals and objectives of the organization; and organizational development to focus on the efficiency of systematic and flexible inspections. 2) Regarding internal audit quality factors, there are a total of 3 supporting factors, including management's expectations, expectations of service recipients, quality expectations of regulatory agencies to focus on satisfaction and efficiency in providing services that are convenient, fast and meet the needs of service recipients. 3) In terms of success factors in internal auditing, there are a total of 5 supporting factors, including personnel characteristics; corporate culture; Information systems; teamwork and policy focusing on work success; and efficient, fast and safe information technology systems. This is to serve as a guideline for successful management and internal audit operations according to operating standards and achieve goals; supervising and formulating appropriate policies in line with the "IA SSQ MODEL" which is the model used for management and internal audit operations leading to success in the internal audit of the Royal Thai Police by giving importance to 9 areas.

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How to Cite
Pansiri, C., & Kaneko, P. (2024). The Future Scenario of Successful Internal Audit of The Royal Thai Police in The Next Decade (A.D. 2023-2032). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 32–47. retrieved from


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