Factors Affecting the Intention to Purchase Cannabis-Hemp Product of Consumer

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Supaporn Pasawang
Rujipas Potongsangarun


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the level of consumer opinions toward attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, positive outcome expectations, psychological factors, and the intention to purchase Cannabis-Hemp products of consumers 2) study attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, positive outcome expectations, and psychological factors that affect the Intention to purchase Cannabis-Hemp products of consumers. Data were collected using an online questionnaire via Google Formss. The sample group were 400 online consumers on Facebook, Line, and Instagram who have and have never consumed products containing Cannabis-Hemp, using convenience sampling. The questionnaires were distributed using a convenient sampling. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, and multiple regression coefficient.

The research result found that 1) the majority of the sample's opinions were based on attitude, perceived behavioral control, positive outcome expectations, psychological factors, and the intention to purchase Cannabis-Hemp products by consumers at the very agree level, and the level of opinion on the subjective norms was at a moderate level of agreement. 2) The subjective norms, positive outcome expectations, and psychological factors influenced the intention to purchase Cannabis-Hemp products of consumers with statistically significant. The multiple correlation coefficient is at the medium level (R=0.654). R square is equal to 42.80% and the Standard Error of the estimate is equal to 0.68333 (SEE=0.68333). Most factors that affect the intention to purchase Cannabis-Hemp products are psychological factors, positive outcome expectations, and subjective norms. The regression coefficient is equal to 0.319, 0.292, and 0.143 respectively whereas, attitude and perceived behavioral control do not influence the intention to purchase Cannabis-Hemp products of consumers.

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How to Cite
Pasawang, S., & Potongsangarun, R. (2024). Factors Affecting the Intention to Purchase Cannabis-Hemp Product of Consumer. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 18–31. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/277465


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