The Standardization of the Models and Evaluation Process of Social Work Journal, Thammasat University

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Suwaree Pincharoen
Puthabarwee Boonyawantung


The purposes of this documentary research were to 1) study the evaluation process of journal publication in the Journal of Social Work, 2) analyze the model of journal assessment in the Journal of Social Work, and 3) explore assessment strategies for journals published in the Journal of Social Work. This study comprised three major issues: 1) the concept and content of selected academic papers from the Journal of Social Work, 2016 to 2018, 2) the analysis of the evaluation procedure utilized by former reviewers over academic papers published from 2016 to 2018, and 3) the model of the evaluation process based on journals available in the Journal of Social Work form.

The findings showed that: 1) the process for evaluating academic articles was an initial screening according to the form provided. The author fills in details to confirm information for consideration for publication before submitting it to the Journal of Social Work. To enter the process of evaluating articles in social work journals The author followed the format specified in the Journal of Social Work. 2) The model of journal assessment in the Journal of Social Work was an analytical study according to the principles of 3-way evaluation in order to see the completeness of the article evaluation: 1. The topic that the author studied was related to knowledge in the subject, 2. The expertise and experience of the peer reviewers, and 3. The results of article evaluation for publication in the journals. 3) Although the usage of appraisal strategies applied in social work journals was inappropriate to the actual process, the correlation between reviewers’ expertise and keywords If reviewers had knowledge of defined keywords, the quality of their assessment would be at a good (B) level.

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How to Cite
Pincharoen, S., & Boonyawantung, P. (2023). The Standardization of the Models and Evaluation Process of Social Work Journal, Thammasat University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 430–443. Retrieved from


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