The Development of Characteristics of being Social Media Influencers for High School Students

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Ratthana Plewsrikaew
Achira Uttaman
Yaninie Phaithayawat


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop characteristics of being social media influencers for high school students and 2) assess characteristics of being social media influencers for high school students. The sample group was 13 high school students of Mathayomwatsing School who were interested in the characteristics of being social media influencers and applied to participate in the characteristics of being social media influencer activity. The research instrument was an interview form and an assessment form. The statistics used in the data analysis were mean and standard deviation.

The research findings were as follows: 1) The developing characteristics of being a social media influencer activity process are composed of six steps: 1. Get to know each other; 2. How to live life on social media?; 3. Ways of Influencer; 4. Workshop; 5. Sharing knowledge; and 6. Assessment of activities. 2) The assessment of characteristics of being social media influencers for high school students finds that: 1. After students participated in the developing characteristics of being social media influencer activity, they were self-assessed to possess the characteristics of being social media influencers at a high level. 2. After the students participated in the characteristics of being social media influencers activity, the researcher evaluated the students to have the characteristics of being social media influencers at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Plewsrikaew, R., Uttaman, A., & Phaithayawat, Y. (2023). The Development of Characteristics of being Social Media Influencers for High School Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 414–429. retrieved from


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