Perceptions and Attitudes towards the Choice of Using 5G High-Speed Internet Network Technology among People in Bangkok and Nonthaburi Areas

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Pariyawit Choochoed


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the level of perceptions and attitude towards the use of 5G high-speed internet network technology, 2) compare the respondent's perceptions toward the use of 5G high-speed internet network, classified by personal factors, 3) compare the respondent’s attitude toward the use of 5G high-speed internet network, classified by personal factors, and 4) study the relationship between perception and attitude towards the use of 5G high-speed internet network technology. The research tool was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient analysis.

The research results were 1) the level of perception and attitude towards the use of 5G high-speed internet network technology was at a moderate level. 2) The respondents with different genders and monthly incomes had different levels of perception of 5G high-speed internet with a statistically significant level of .05. 3) The respondents with different marital statuses had different attitudes towards 5G high-speed internet network technology with a statistically significant level of .05. 4) The perception and attitude of 5G high-speed internet network technology had a positive correlation at a moderate level with a statistically significant at .01 level.

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How to Cite
Choochoed, P. (2023). Perceptions and Attitudes towards the Choice of Using 5G High-Speed Internet Network Technology among People in Bangkok and Nonthaburi Areas. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 274–291. retrieved from


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