Guidelines for Student Council Administration of Schools under the Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area Office 2

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Suriyan Lapyen
Tippaporn Mahasinpaisan


The objectives of this research were to study 1) the current situation, the desirable situation of student council administration 2) the priority needs of student council administration. 3) provides guidelines for student council management for schools in the secondary educational service area office Bangkok 2. The samples of quantitative research consisted of 156 students, random from the Student Council Committee of 156 people using the questionnaire as a research tool. The samples for qualitative research selected specific samples from 12 students who have experience in student council administration. The tool was an in-depth interview. The research results were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, Essential Needs Priority Index (PNImodified), and content analysis.

The eesearch results found that: The priority needs (PNImodified) can be arranged as follows: 1) student council networking and participation 2) integration of student council activities into learning subject groups 3) formulation and student council meeting 4) proposal of student council projects or activities 5) assessment of student council activities 6) student council structure 7) determination of the origin of the student council and the development of guidelines for student council administration of schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2 regarding the determination of student council origin, the determination of the student council structure, and the determination of the form and student council meeting. The school administrators should provide school charter or regulations of student council administration and give clear instructions. In terms of building a student council network and participation, integration of student council activities into the learning department, the proposal of student council projects or activities, and the student council activity assessment. The school administrators should formulate policies and create an action plan for the school to operate, supervise, monitor, and require the student council to continually summarize their performance reports.

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How to Cite
Lapyen, S., & Mahasinpaisan, T. (2023). Guidelines for Student Council Administration of Schools under the Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area Office 2. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 99–115. retrieved from


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