Marketing Mix Factors and Reference Group Factors Influencing the Buying Decision of Latex Mattress Consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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Wanchai Sarnlao
Sumalee Sawang


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the differentiation of demographic characteristic factors such as gender, age, status, educational level, occupation, and average monthly income that influence the buying decisions of latex mattresses by consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. 2) Study marketing mix factors such as product, price, place, and promotion that influence the buying decisions of consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. 3) Study reference group factors that influence the buying decisions of consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. This method of research used questionnaires with 400 respondents. The statistical analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.

The research results found that: 1) differences in demographic characteristic factors such as gender, age, status, educational level, occupation, and average monthly income affect the buying decisions of latex mattress consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. 2) The marketing mix factors, which are promotion, influence the buying decisions of consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. 3) All of the reference group factors; family, friends, internet users, and influencers affect the buying decisions of consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. at the .05 statistically significant level.

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How to Cite
Sarnlao, W., & Sawang, S. (2023). Marketing Mix Factors and Reference Group Factors Influencing the Buying Decision of Latex Mattress Consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 84–98. retrieved from


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