The Morale in Work Performance of Contract Teachers under the Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization

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Patikarn Amornpongmongko
Saovanard Leklersindhu


The objectives of this research were to investigate and compare the morale in work performance contract teachers under the Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization. A sample of this research were 191 contract teachers under the Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization in fiscal year 2021. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument for data collection. Data were then analyzed using statistics for data analysis, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One-way ANOVA.

The major findings revealed that overall morale in work practice of contract teachers under the Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization was at a high level. When individual aspects were considered, all aspects were at a high level, including working conditions, recognition, relationship with supervisors, relationship with colleagues, obligations and responsibilities, and opportunities and advancement in the work. In addition, when morale in work performance of the sample was compared by personal factors, the results indicated that the sample with different gender, age, marital status, and work experience had indifferent opinion towards morale in work practice. However, the sample with different educational level and monthly income had different opinion towards morale in work practice with a statistically significant different at the .05.

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How to Cite
Amornpongmongko, P. ., & Leklersindhu, S. . (2023). The Morale in Work Performance of Contract Teachers under the Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(2), 482–494. retrieved from


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