Organizational Factors and Motivational Factors in Relation to Teachers’ Performance in Opportunity Expansion Schools in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Jaruphan Singdash
Sirirat Tongmeesri


The objectives of this research were to study organizational factors, motivation factors, and the relationship between organizational factors, motivation factors, and teachers’ performance in opportunity expansion schools under the jurisdiction of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. A sample were 341 teachers selected by stratified random sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire with a confidence level of .981. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory component analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression.

The results showed that 1) Organizational factors consisted of 2 components including policy and school administration, and organizational culture. Both components explained about 76.361% of the variance of organizational factors by policy and school administration. The highest component weight was 10.170. 2) Motivation factors consisted of 4 components including perceived support from the organization, relationship with supervisors, self-efficacy, and relationship with colleagues. All 4 components explained the variance of motivation factor about 76.506%. The perceived support from the organization was the highest component weight equal to 22.158. And 3) the relationship among organizational factors, motivational factors, and teacher performance, was found that every pair of variables had a positive correlation with teacher performance. There was a statistical significance at the .01 level. The high-level positive correlation was the relationship between supervisors and perceived organizational support (r=.83) and the high-level positive correlation relatively high was the relationship with colleagues and teacher's performance (r=.80) and 4) Organizational factors and motivational factors related to teachers' performance were found in 4 aspects including relationships with colleagues; recognition of organizational support; organizational culture; and self-efficacy. These were able to predict the performance of teachers in the opportunity expansion schools at 77% with a statistical significance at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
Singdash, J., & Tongmeesri, S. (2023). Organizational Factors and Motivational Factors in Relation to Teachers’ Performance in Opportunity Expansion Schools in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(2), 297–314. retrieved from


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