The Enhancement of Production Capability of Sandalwood Flower Group, Ban Non-Sa-at in Phetchabun Province

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Vipavadee Phakamach


This research aimed to find out the context of the Sandalwood flower group and to find out the problem of enhancing the capability of Ban Non-Sa-at Sandalwood flower group, Phetchabun Province. Data were collected from 11 members of Ban Non-Sa-at Sandalwood flower group by using an unstructured interview form, interpretation in the form of content analysis, and summarizing the main idea as an essay in a descriptive manner. The results of the research revealed general information about members of the Sandalwood flower group Ban Non-Sa-at. Currently, there are 11 members, most of them aged between 50-70 years old, earning an average income from making sandalwood flowers 1,000-3,000 baht per month. Most of the group members have been together since established, which is more than 10 years. There is a collective nature by investing their capital in purchasing materials and equipment for making sandalwood flowers. The village headman will order materials and equipment for making sandalwood flowers to sell to the members. A place where each group member can take it home to do it. When they are finished, they will be sold to the village headman. Income from making sandalwood flowers for a single flower, 1 pack contains 100 flowers, sold at 70 baht, while the president's bouquet sells 12 baht per 1 pack, 1 pack contains 5 bouquets, sold at 60 baht. And the problem of enhancing the capacity of the sandalwood flower group, Ban Non-Sa-at, was found in 4 points, group management, production, marketing, and benefits. As for the capacity building of the group, it was found that the group did not want to register as a community enterprise. Satisfaction with making sandalwood flowers at home and want to know the real cost of making sandalwood flowers in order to plan to invest in buying materials and equipment to make sandalwood flowers per production quantity per time to prevent lack of financial liquidity in household spending and want to increase distribution channels through social networks to increase sales.

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How to Cite
Phakamach, V. (2023). The Enhancement of Production Capability of Sandalwood Flower Group, Ban Non-Sa-at in Phetchabun Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(1), 341–354. retrieved from


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