Knowledge Management and Change Management Process for Enhancing the Efficiency of Teaching and Learning Management in Higher Education Institutions of the Benjamitra Network

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Panida Vashararangsi


The objectives of this research article were 1) knowledge management of higher education institutions of the Benjamitra Network 2) the process of change management in enhancing the efficiency of teaching and learning management in the Benjamitra Network higher education institutions 3) the teaching and learning management of educational personnel of the Benjamitra Network and 4) Comparison of knowledge management of higher education institutions in the Benjamitra Network. The sample group was educational personnel of the Benjamitra Network consisted of 280 people. The research instruments were questionnaires. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA with Scheffé's method.The results of the research revealed that the personnel of higher education of institutions of the Benjamitra Network have opinion on knowledge management at the highest level, the two aspects were knowledge access (mean=4.56, SD=0.45) and learning (mean=4.50, SD=0.47), respectively. Also there was a change management process to increase the efficiency of teaching and learning management. According to the 6 components, all components were at a high level, as following; Component 4 learning ( =4.44, SD=0.62), Component 5 measurement (mean=4.42, SD=0.68), Component 1 preparation and behavior modification ( =4.41, SD=0.53), Component 3 processes and tools (mean=4.40, SD=0.63), Component 2 communication ( =4.38, SD=0.59), and Component 6 commendation and reward (mean=4.38, SD=0.70). As for teaching and learning management, it was at the highest level with all components in order, namely values (mean=4.65, SD=0.46), knowledge (mean=4.55, SD=0.47). Competencies (mean=4.53, SD=0.50). The comparison of knowledge management to increase the efficiency of teaching and learning management of educational personnel in the Benjamitra network classified by gender, it was found that both males and females had knowledge management to increase the efficiency of teaching management as a whole with no different. Hence, the different age and position of responsibility had different knowledge management to optimize the management of teaching and learning.

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How to Cite
Vashararangsi, P. (2023). Knowledge Management and Change Management Process for Enhancing the Efficiency of Teaching and Learning Management in Higher Education Institutions of the Benjamitra Network. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(1), 224–239. retrieved from


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