A Development Model for the Descendants, Young-Smart Farmers According to the King's Philosophy in the Upper Northern Region

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Waraduang Sommanasak
Pensri Chirinung
Somboon Sirisunhirun
Prapart Pintobtang


This research aims 1) to analyze factors in developing the descendants, young-smart farmers according to the King's Philosophy in the Upper Northern Region, 2) to construct a model for developing the descendants, young-smart farmers according to the King's Philosophy in the Upper Northern Region, and 3) to determine a model for developing the descendants, young-smart farmers according to the King's Philosophy in the Upper Northern Region. The population in this study was divided into 3 groups. The descendants are young-smart farmers in the upper northern region of 400 people, the second group, 3 main informant groups, a total of 30 people, and the third group. 3 groups of key informants, a total of 33 people. The research instrument had three parts of the questionnaire, the interview form, and the interview evaluation form. Exploratory factor analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis were employed to carry out the data analysis of important factors.

The findings were found as follows: 1) the factors in developing the descendants, young-smart farmers following the king’s philosophy in the Upper Northern Region consist of 5 important factors as follows: participation in the decision-making process, access to promotion policies of public sectors, management development, understanding and participation in the procedure. 2) A development model for the descendants, young-smart farmers According to the King's Philosophy in the Upper Northern Region consists of 6 parts as follows: context, input, process consisting of 4 dimensions 5 steps 10 processes, output, outcome, and measure of success. And 3) There are four aspects of the form validation: validity, usefulness. possibility and image suitability are included in the criteria by which the model can be implemented.

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How to Cite
Sommanasak, W., Chirinung, P., Sirisunhirun, S., & Pintobtang, P. (2024). A Development Model for the Descendants, Young-Smart Farmers According to the King’s Philosophy in the Upper Northern Region. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 357–371. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/265324 (Original work published December 25, 2022)


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