The Priority Needs of Academic Management Development of Sports Classroom Program of School in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Ratchaburi Province Based on the Concept of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

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Kittipitch Aedsang
Chayapim Usaho


This research aimed to: study the academic management development of the sports classroom program of the school in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Ratchaburi Province based on the Concept of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences using descriptive research methods. The population consisted of 26 schools in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Ratchaburi Province. The informants consisted of 5 school directors, 20 school deputy directors, 45 heads of subjects, and 245 teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire that had an index of item objective congruence (IOC) of 0.67-1.00. The data were analyzed using the priority needs index modified (PNIModified). The results of the research revealed that the highest priority needs of academic management are curriculum development (PNIModified=0.120), evaluation and assessment (PNIModified=0.111), and teaching and learning had the lowest priority needs of academic management. The highest priority needs of the theory of multiple intelligences were Musical Intelligence PNIModified=0.122, Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence (PNIModified=0.121) and Interpersonal Intelligence had the lowest priority needs of the theory of multiple intelligences (PNIModified=0.105).

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How to Cite
Aedsang, K., & Usaho, C. (2022). The Priority Needs of Academic Management Development of Sports Classroom Program of School in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Ratchaburi Province Based on the Concept of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 283–295. retrieved from


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