Administration According to the Guidelines for the Prevention and Solution of Drug Problems of Educational Institutions under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area Nonthaburi

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Thichanon Na bangchang
Kosoom Saichai


This research aims to study comparison and recommendations for the development of drug prevention and problem solving in educational institutions under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, Nonthaburi. Sample group is teachers were 313 by simple random sampling. The research instruments were test form with accuracy 0.67-1.00, coefficient of 0.91 and the interview form. The statistical analyzes of the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, LSD, and content analysis.

The results of the research revealed that the administration according to the guidelines for the prevention and solution of drug problems of educational institutions Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area, Nonthaburi found that, overall, all aspects were at a high level. Where the highest mean is Drug prevention in educational institutions, followed by addiction suppression in educational institutions. Management of drug problems in educational institutions and drug addiction treatment The comparison results found that teachers with education levels And different school sizes had no different opinions on the administration according to the drug prevention and problem solving guidelines of educational institutions under the Nonthaburi Secondary Education Service Area Office. Teacher with different working experience, there was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level. The guideline for developing prevention and remediation is that management should focus and promote budgets. Collaborate with external agencies to develop treatment, control, monitor and manage drug problems in a friendly way. Create atmosphere Changing experiences brings benefits to support and develop as a role model for other teachers. The suppression should be taken seriously. Should be randomly checked regularly should create awareness of the danger and public relations campaigns for prevention and surveillance to build immunity for learners.

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How to Cite
Na bangchang, T., & Saichai, K. (2022). Administration According to the Guidelines for the Prevention and Solution of Drug Problems of Educational Institutions under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area Nonthaburi. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 248–263. retrieved from


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