Service Marketing Mix Factors Affecting the Loyalty of K PLUS Application Users of Kasikorn Bank that Living in Bangkok

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Aphicha Pangchalee
Pordee Sukpun


The objectives of this research: 1) To study the level of opinions on the factors of the marketing mix, service, and loyalty of K PLUS application users of Kasikorn Bank. 2) To study the factors of the service marketing mix that affect the loyalty of K PLUS application users of Kasikorn Bank. Living in Bangkok Which is quantitative research (Quantitative Research) by the samples used in research are Users of the K PLUS application, Kasikorn Bank 400 samples who lived in Bangkok by using questionnaires as a tool for data collection. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation,and multiple regression analysis.

The research results found that most of the questionnaires had a level of opinion on the channel marketing mix factor. At a high level, followed by service processes Physical characteristics Product and service, price, marketing promotion, and personnel. Analysis of the service marketing mix factors affecting the loyalty of K PLUS application users, Kasikorn Bank Residents in Bangkok found that the loyalty of the application users was predicted by 58.9%, word-of-mouth for 57.9%, preference for 52.8%, and repeat service. 52.0 percent.

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How to Cite
Pangchalee, A., & Sukpun, P. (2022). Service Marketing Mix Factors Affecting the Loyalty of K PLUS Application Users of Kasikorn Bank that Living in Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 216–232. retrieved from


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