Service Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Post Lava Shrimp Purchasing Process of Songkhla Province Farmers

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Hathaipat Rammak
Rawida Wiriyakitjar


This research objectives were to study the personal factors affecting post lava shrimp purchasing of Songkhla province farmers, to study the consumer behavior factors affecting post lava shrimp purchasing of Songkhla province farmers, and to study the factors of service marketing mix affecting post lava shrimp purchasing of Songkhla province farmers. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the 400 samples who are shrimp farming operators in Songkhla province. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested by Independent-Sample t-test analysis, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis.

The results showed that the majority of respondents were male (218 people) between 22-40 years of age with marital statuses. They had a bachelor's degree and over 10 years of raising shrimp experience with the range of farm size one to five rai. Most of the respondents buy the number 300,000-600,000 per order in summer May to September and one-five times annually. Most of the respondents decided to buy post lava shrimp by themself. Different groups of consumer behaviors in a type of post lava shrimps, time of buying, and influencers have different purchasing decision levels. For Multiple Regression Analysis results, it was found that product, price, place, marketing promotion, process management, and physical facilities affected post lava shrimp purchasing by Songkhla province farmers. Significantly at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Rammak, H., & Wiriyakitjar, R. (2022). Service Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Post Lava Shrimp Purchasing Process of Songkhla Province Farmers. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 50–65. retrieved from


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