The Development of an Enrichment Curriculum on Mathematics Problem Solving Skills using DAPIC Problem Solving Process for Sixth

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Apichayada Boonwirat
Parinyapast Seethong


The objectives of this research were to establish and explore the effectiveness of a curriculum for solving mathematical problems by using the concept of DAPIC problem-solving process for sixth-grade students and study the results of using the enrichment curriculum for sixth-grade students. The samples were 17 sixthgrade students, studying in the 2nd semester, the Academic Year 2020 at Ban Nong Pla Sawai School were obtained by cluster random sampling. The research instruments were the enrichment curriculum for solving mathematical problems, its manual, and a test for measuring mathematical problem solving skills. The data were statistically analyzed by applying means, standard deviation, and t-test dependent. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The enrichment curriculum on Mathematical problem-solving skills using the concept of DAPIC problem-solving process for the sixth-grade students included 7 elements: 1) background and significances 2) principles 3) aims 4) content structure 5) learning activities 6) learning materials and resources and 7) assessment. The results of the curriculum quality examination by an expert panel found that the enrichment curriculum on mathematical problem-solving skills using the concept of DAPIC problem-solving process for sixth-grade students obtained high overall suitability ( =4.48, SD=0.52). The effectiveness of the enrichment curriculum on mathematical problem-solving skills using the concept of DAPIC problem-solving process for sixth-grade students was 0.7322 which indicated that the student's learning progress post-studying was higher than pre-studying at a percentage of 73.22. 2. Students who studied with the enrichment curriculum on mathematical problems-solving using the concept of DAPIC problem-solving process had significantly higher Mathematical problem-solving skills of post-study than pre-study with statistically significant at a level of .05.

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How to Cite
Boonwirat, A., & Seethong, P. (2022). The Development of an Enrichment Curriculum on Mathematics Problem Solving Skills using DAPIC Problem Solving Process for Sixth . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 465–480. retrieved from


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