Participation of Government-Sponsored Occupational Groups in Taling Chan Sub-district, Ban Dan Lan Hoi District, Sukhothai Province

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Wichitar Yawiloeng
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of participation of members of government-sponsored occupation groups, 2) to compare the differences of personal factors with the participation of members of government-sponsored occupational groups, and 3) to study a proposal for a guideline for the development of participation of members of the government-supported occupational group in the Taling Chan area, Ban Dan Lan Hoi District. The population of Sukhothai was the sample group in the research study and respondents, 288 people. The research tool was a questionnaire. The researcher chose to use statistics for data analysis as follows. By distributing it in terms of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics The statistics used in the test analysis are the t-test, and F-test.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) the degree of participation of government-supported occupational group members, the average was at a high level. 2) Personal factors, gender, age, level of education, and occupation. This affects the participation of members of government-sponsored occupational groups, differed statistically at the level 0.05 and 3) suggesting the development of participation of members of the public sector-sponsored occupation group. Professional integration and participation of professional group members are required. Believe in the power of a professional group, as well as having the same views or goals as its members. It also requires coordination with relevant agencies and support agencies in order for the group's activities to be successful, resulting in a stable and sustainable career group.

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How to Cite
Yawiloeng, W., & Rojanatrakul, T. (2022). Participation of Government-Sponsored Occupational Groups in Taling Chan Sub-district, Ban Dan Lan Hoi District, Sukhothai Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 449–464. retrieved from


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