The Priority Needs of Development of Secondary School Academic Management Based on the Concept of Building Trust

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Paralee Aramduang
Pruet Siribanpitak
Chayapim Usaho


The objective of this research was to study the priority needs of secondary school management based on the concept of building trust. The population was 2,358 secondary schools under the office of the basic education commission (OBEC). The samples were 342 secondary schools that were selected by applying multi-stage random sampling. The key respondents were 1,595 persons including the school director or deputy director, lead teacher, class teacher, head of the student council, and parent representatives from the parent network. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, and PNImodified. The results were as follows. The priority needs of secondary school academic management based on the concept of building trust could be classified with regard to secondary school management. Overall, the highest priority needs index fell on the development of media and learning sources (PNImodified=0.325), the development of the school curriculum (PNImodified=0.324), the measurement and evaluation (PNImodified=0.312), and the teaching management (PNImodified =0.307), respectively. When classified with the concept of building trust, the highest priority needs index fell on the competence-based behavior (PNImodified=0.322), communication-based behavior (PNImodified=0.320), and character-based behavior (PNImodified=0.310), respectively. The recommendation is that the school should conduct the plan of school management based on the concept of building trust; especially, the competence-based behavior, in order to achieve learners receiving trust from others.

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How to Cite
Aramduang, P., Siribanpitak, P., & Usaho, C. (2022). The Priority Needs of Development of Secondary School Academic Management Based on the Concept of Building Trust. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 434–448. retrieved from


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