The Operation of Prevention and Suppression in Forest Resources Encroachment and Destruction Guidelines of the Prevention and Suppression Ce

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Phusit Hirunpruk
Thanakorn Lattirasuvan
Piyapit Khonkaen
Teeka Yothapakdee


The objectives of this study were to analyze the statistics of forestry cases and areas at risk of an offense related to forestry, compare the statistics of cases during 2010-2014 and 2015–2019, to study forest officers' satisfaction levels, to study factors influencing the operation of forest resources encroachment and destruction, and to study the operation guidelines for enhancing of prevention and suppression of intrusion of forest resources in the central region. The study was using a questionnaire to collect data from 211 forest officers under the Prevention and Suppression Center 1 (Central Region) and the Forest Resources Management Office in the central region. The statistics used to test the hypothesis were multiple linear regression, with the given significance level of .05 (p-value = .05)

Results of the study found that statistics of central forestry offenses incurred in the central region in the period 2015-2019 were a total of 2,653 cases, classified as 1) 1,464 trespassing cases, and 2) 1,189 deforestation cases. The top 3 provinces with the highest overall record of forestry offense cases were Kanchanaburi, Sa Kaeo, and Chachoengsao provinces. Comparing the statistics of cases during 2010-2014 and 2015-2019 found that there was a downward trend with statistics of forest encroachment and logging cases were 1,799: 1,464 and 1,464: 1,234 cases, respectively. The forestry officers were satisfied with the operation of prevention and suppression of forest resources encroachment and destruction at a moderate level, with an average score of 2.78. Factors influencing forest resource encroachment and destruction were officers' rates and vehicles. The operation of the prevention and suppression of intrusion of forest resources guidelines in the central region was as follows; 1) coordinate working on the operation of forest resource prevention and suppression with other departments 2) prepare a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with organizations that have a concrete mission of prevention and suppression encroachment on forest resources 3) publicity campaign to promote knowledge and awareness of forest resource conservation to all sectors thoroughly 4) establish a systematic network for cooperation in reporting offenses from all sectors in the area and 5) purchase of vehicles for use in the mission of prevention and suppression the encroachment of additional forest resources.

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How to Cite
Hirunpruk, P., Lattirasuvan, T., Khonkaen, P., & Yothapakdee, T. (2022). The Operation of Prevention and Suppression in Forest Resources Encroachment and Destruction Guidelines of the Prevention and Suppression Ce. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 414–433. retrieved from


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