Motivation, Reference Group and Online Review Influencing the Decision in Online Food Shopping of Customer in Muang

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Paninee Pukao
Napawan Netpradit


The objects of this study are 1) studying the important level of motivation, reference group, online review, and decision on online food shopping of customers in Amphoe Muang Lampang, Lampang province, and 2) studying the factor influencing the decision in online food shopping of customer in Muang Lampang, Lampang. The sample group of buyers consisted of 385 people who used to buy food via online shopping in Amphoe Muang Lampang, Lampang province. In this study, an online questionnaire was used for gathering data. The statistic for data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics (frequency, the percentage, the average, standard derivation) and inference statistics (enter multiple regression analysis).

It was found that 1) the important level of motivation, reference group, online review, and decision in online food shopping of customers was at the highest level. 2) enter multiple regression analysis found that motivation, reference group, and online review had influenced the decision in online food shopping of customers in Amphoe Muang Lampang at a level of .01 of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Pukao, P., & Netpradit, N. (2022). Motivation, Reference Group and Online Review Influencing the Decision in Online Food Shopping of Customer in Muang. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 126–142. retrieved from


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