Development to a Smoke-Free University by Participation

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Veenust Sakoonhom
Ponthep Leethong-in
Mongkolchai Boonkaew
Asada Ploysopon


The proposes of this research were to 1) study the state of development of a smoke-free university by participation model and 2) develop a smoke-free university by participation model. This participatory action research method. The participants of this study of the state were 620 personnel of Suan Dusit University, using stratified simple random sampling. The target group for 8 interviews, 17 in the focus group. The instrument was a questionnaire about survey problems, and interviews. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, content analysis.

The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The state of development of a smoke-free university by participation model was found with Bangkok area with the highest number of smokers, Attitudes are strongly opposed to smoking behavior. 2) The 6 components of the development of a smoke-free university by participation model, were The guidelines for the management of a smoke-free university. The university environment is smoke-free. Insertion of smoking in teaching and learning and extracurricular activities. Participation in the driving process of a smoke-free university. Support, care, and counseling. Monitoring of smoke-free university.

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How to Cite
Sakoonhom, V., Leethong-in, P., Boonkaew, M., & Ploysopon, A. (2022). Development to a Smoke-Free University by Participation. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 82–97. retrieved from


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